Everyday I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes ,even though I  have never actually smoked one . You don’t have to be a smoker in Delhi to get lung cancer ,the environment automatically does that for you (THANK YOU ENVIRONMENT).

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When you go outside the only thing you see is smog(mostly smoke and less of fog)…..Why are we doing this to ourselves ….why do we never seem to understand that we have only two lungs and we need both of them to function?….This is the silent killer….that no one seems to be afraid of anymore.

Delhi officially hit the ‘severe plus’, or emergency category of air pollution, as the smog refused to abate, and the air quality index (AQI) stood at 493.

For the past two days the pollution level in Delhi has reached alarming heights.The visibility is low, our eyes are burning,are lungs are hurting and our life is getting constantly threatened by this man made calamity.

So lets list out the reasons why we our slowly walking towards our death(cause why not):

1.THE OLD SCHOOL GORMINT BIK GAYI HAI: you might have heard about the inadequacy of the government a million times …..need I say more

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2.USING PUBLIC INSTEAD OF PERSONAL VEHICLES:We need good public transports so that per person emission reduces(Delhi still has 4000 less buses than required, while many cities are well connected)More signals…. Rather than signals traffic islands,interchanges ,overpass reduce congestion and increase speed… basically we are back to point uno aren’t we(sign….*coughs her lungs out*)

3.Our super friendly(and also always fire  ready) neighbors: They burn their crops like it’s magically gonna yield them tonnes of wealth next year…what they don’t understand is that they are killing thousands by doing so(psst….I never liked my neighbors anyway)

4.LOCATION TO THE RESCUE:Do you ever think why other metropolitan cities in India  never face such extremities.Lets take Mumbai as an example, apart from the good local trains,Mumbai has another boon,the sea. Sea breezes and land breezes exchange the air over Mumbai continuously.Delhi unfortunately is located at the center of land mass. Therefore pollutants have nowhere to go(yay)


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